Saturday, May 14, 2005

Day 3 on cloud 9

hi world,

Funny thing this has a unique way of teaching u new lessons....the lesson i learnt today...was something which i knew earlier...but was never in a mood to accept...well i took things for granted and i just crossed all forgivable limits...

The true price of relations....tell me friends ...What is the price u pay to have a it ur mother, father, sister, brother...friends...lover...wife or even ur pet dog...wen u relate a person to urself u use the words he/she is my...signifying that he/she is mine...hmmmm well thats called taking things for granted...

I learnt today that the word my or mine has a limitation i.e limit x->0 where x is a factor only related to a person and his body and his non living possessions...

No one has a right to take anything for granted for all that exists in this world is the sole property of God. Who am I to say that that is mine..this is mine..he is mine...she is mine...i guess the aim of life is to surrender everything to the divine nothing is mine...not even me...

Maybe being a little lenient u can say that ur father is urs, ur mother is urs, ur siblings are urs....but thats least among humans...maybe ur pet dog wont have a prob if u tell it that its urs...but then y do we want to make things it our innate greed (as being criticised by all great critics and writers) or are v being too harsh by saying v r greedy...hmmmm another possibility is that all that is our need...not greed...

When do we start loving...i feel its when our self is so filled with love that it overflows and touches all the individuals associated in our life...its giving love that makes u think that a person is urs as long as u r related to that person thru ur love...but then again wat love....

Love has many forms yet altogether it is one...which form do we chose..which form do v mean...
The words " I Love You"... are the simplest and easily said (provided said honestly) yes v can say that to all our parents, siblings, friends, lover, wife, kids, ...and our pet dog( i kinda like the pet dog part).... but is it the same to all????..if not then how is love the same????...well someone somewhere has to draw the line...usually God does that for u...but he just shows u how to do it...and then u have to draw it urself...

So tell me where shud i draw the line of the people who are mine and who are not......well for one thing i am mine and i can be mine without worrying ...then again my parents and siblings i hope will fall in my category...yeah my wife and kids too...but thats it...blood relates me to all those there...yeah my pet dog is my relation too..... but not blood relation...heheheh

So in humans the significance of blood is so big that only thru a relation of the blood alone are u able to be in a situation to consider a relationship as urs.......guess i must donate a lot of blood to have the people whom i want to consider as mine...

This is wat i learnt today....

So my friends i wud like to tell u ...dont commit my mistake...coz the consequences are hard to bear...dont think of anyone as urs...its better that way...a psychologist friend of mine once pointed it to me that i have a phobia..."Fear of Caring"....i beg to differ....its actually "Fear of losing"...and the only solution to overcome such a fear is by not having anything to lose in the first place...logical right??.....

Well i guess a lesson learnt thru experience shud qualify to be a lesson learnt well...lets hope so and please pray that i dont take relations for granted ever again....

May God bless u all!!!!!!



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